Sunday, December 14, 2008

snow days are the best days

Once upon a time there was a girl wishing for snow..but it never came. and for that she grew very angry and upset.

But one morning (Sunday morning; to be specific) she look out her window to find nothing but beautiful white snow! "YIPPY!" she thought aloud.

She then rushed to put her snow gear on to play in the beautiful snow! Her Mother and Brother Joseph agreed to join. :)

They played and played until there were all out of breath. ahh yes. It truly was special :)

THE END. (ill post videos later!)


katelyn said...

lol I love the story. im so glad we didnt have school!

Olivia said...

what? mom playing in the snow? she never played with me in the snow! a little favorism goin' on around here..

Lindsay Rosas said...

You guys are so cute! Joe was so excited for the snow..he loves snow! i keep telling him he has no idea what is ahead (in Idaho). But, like always he optimistically says how much fun we are going to have playing in it. Ha! he will see :)

Emily said...

You and Joe are so cute! Looks like you guys had a blast in the snow. I can't wait to see you again!