Sunday, September 28, 2008

good ol' saturdays

oh watta splendid day with a sister and her dear friends (plus sisilia)

we did a beach scavenger hunt..and well lia and i won (shocker) lol yeah we were sore winners :) but its all good! so the trip was superb! it was a beautiful day. sun out, kites flying, seagles begging for left overs, strangers laughing. oh what a wonderful world.

we did plenty of activities while on the beach, one which includes climbing up the steep sand dunes, then rolling down real fast thinking its the end for you as you roll down terrified..yet lia and i did it several times :):)!

my lovely sister kept snaping shots of lia and i, and of course we were giving the camara our ALL ;) hehe when i take picturess with lia we can go on for HOURS..some cute..but most just...well simply "out of the ordanary" but thats just us when we are together :) two unusual toddlers on the loose. literally.

the day was good. we then shruged our way to the car exhausted and ready to hit the road. until i mentioned lia's mobile. rachel must have dropped it :( we search high and low. long and short. but with no luck. it was a big downer..BUT on the bright side, she has INSURANCE!! thank you high tech world for such a radical deal..we leave the dark beach around 8. get home at 10:40ish.

i came home and just completely knocked out.........yepp with sand in my hair, body all dirty and just a sick mess. its gross i know. but ahhh whatever, his teeanger needs her beauty rest! i wake up and hop into the shower and once complete i steped out and sighed out of great purified relief to be CLEAN! oh i love the clean life. (un like SOME) hahaha. i joke :)

16 days till JOES HOME! yippy :):)!

1 comment:

katelyn said...

haha cute pictures! dude 16 more days!?!?! i get teary just thinking about it.. ;) lol. oh my..